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Last updated
Deployed Contract: Must already be live.
Deployed Tokens: Must have the incentive tokens live.
Economic Value: Show significant TVL, trading volume potential, or strategic benefit.
Security: Use standard or audited contracts; tokens must be reputable.
Decentralization: Each token in the pair must show sufficient decentralization.
Transparency: Team/project info, audits, and open communication.
Synergy: Integrate with or benefit the broader Berachain ecosystem.
Community Support: Demonstrate genuine interest/demand.
Operational Safety: Clear ownership, upgradeability details, and compliance considerations.
Pair with a Major (Recommended for DEX pools): Major tokens are BERA, HONEY, BYUSD, USDC, wETH, and wBTC.
Verification: The proposer should be affiliated with the protocol or at least one of the tokens in the contract
Proposer’s project name Berally
Proposer’s X account (you will be required to make a post from the X account provided for verification purposes)
Best Telegram Handle for questions/fixes @cuongdo
The proposer should be affiliated with the protocol or at least one of the tokens in the contract.
For example if the contract is a $EXAMPLE / $BERA pool on XYZ DEX, the proposer should be affiliated with the protocol (XYZ DEX) or one of the tokens in the pool (in this case, $EXAMPLE).
Affiliation (protocol / one of the tokens in the contract) Founder
2. Protocol Details
Protocol Name (Example: XYZ DEX) Berally
Protocol Type (DEX/Lending/Staking/Derivatives/Other)
If other: SocialFi
Protocol X profile link
Protocol docs link
Does the protocol have any relationship with current Berachain validators?
THJ - Gold partner
3. Contract/Pool Details
Contract Name (Example: $EXAMPLE / $BERA) Berally Pass Staking.
Contract Address: 0x20146f89ffd2d89d45f3afdb29ecc0d34101efde
Contract Type / Configuration: A special type of rewards vault that incentivize the holding of Pass (a Friendtech key mechanism fork)
Describe how the contract works When a user buys a Pass, the BERA they spend is automatically staked into the BGT Reward Vault, allowing them to earn rewards through the PoL mechanism
Contract Fees: No fees as its not a LP pool.
Existing Liquidity / TVL: Currently 4k $BERA locked TVL.
Identify any address(es) controlling more than 10% of the contract shares No
Is the contract upgradable? No
Contract Control: (Multisig/Single Owner/RBAC/Permissionless/Governance) Permissionless
Additional details on Contract Control
Is the contract verified? Yes
Can the contract be paused? No
Does the contract rely on oracles? no
Provide the following details for each token in the contract (up to 5):
For Major Tokens:
Name Bera
Symbol $BERA
For Non-Major Tokens:
Name Passes Staking Token
Symbol BRLY-ST
Contract Addresses (on Berachain and bridging addresses if cross-chain): 0x88523cb6bc03125837ed889ac20df3896bdcd710
Tokenomics, Distribution, and Vesting (links to official docs, website, etc.)
Identify any address(es) controlling more than 10% No
Does the project issuing the token have any relationship with current Berachain validators? Yes
If yes, which one? THJ - Gold Partner
Total Supply Cap (if any) No
Circulating Supply 7000
Token Type: Utility
Provide extra details (e.g. Use case, Redemption mechanics, Peg stability)
Using Berachain's POLTech, Berally employs smart contracts to stake the spent BERA on behalf of users.
When a user purchases a Pass, the smart contract generates a dummy staking token, which acts as a receipt indicating the amount of BERA spent. This token is then automatically staked into the Berachain Rewards Vault, earning rewards without any manual action from the user.
The staked amount is based on the 'Buy Price' — the amount of BERA spent on the Pass. Regardless of future price fluctuations, the staked amount remains the same. Essentially, the more BERA spent on Passes, the more is staked in the Reward Vault on the user's behalf.
Are token contracts upgradable? No
Token Control: (Multisig/Single Owner/RBAC/Permissionless/Governance) Permissionless
Additional details on Token Control
Is the token contract verified? Yes
Is the token a standard ERC20 or any functions have been customized? (e.g. transfer, balance, mint, burn…) Standard
Can the token be paused? No
Only two tokens can be whitelisted for use as incentives in a Reward Vault. Indicate which tokens will be used and provide all relevant information below.
Required Data for Incentive Token:
(if the name and symbol match one of the tokens already provided or a major token, skip the next steps)
Token Contract Addresses (on Berachain and bridging addresses if cross-chain): chain / address 0x5C43a5fEf2b056934478373A53d1cb08030fd382
Tokenomics, Distribution, and Vesting (links to official docs, website, etc.)
Identify any address(es) controlling more than 10%
Does the project issuing the token have any relationship with current Berachain validators? THJ - Partners
Total Supply Cap (if any) and Circulating Supply 6,942,000,000 Berally ($BRLY) tokens are set to be distributed over a period of 5 years. Circulating supply is 2,304,744,000.
Token Type: Utility.
If either token is a native stablecoin, LST, or governance token, provide extra details on Use case, Redemption mechanics, Peg stability
Are token contracts upgradable? No
Token Control: (Multisig/Single Owner/RBAC/Permissionless/Governance) Permissionless
Additional details on Token Control
Is the token contract verified? Yes
Is the token a standard ERC20 or any functions have been customized? (e.g. transfer, balance, mint, burn…) ERC20
Can the token be paused? No
Additional Requirements:
Specify how many tokens you plan to allocate for incentives and over what period of time.
20,000 $BERA over 6 months. 694,200,000 $BRLY is allocated to incentives over the course of 12 months.
Outline how decisions about token incentives are made (DAO, multi-sig, etc.). Team Multisig
Incentive Manager address (this address will manage the incentive token, being able to add incentive tokens to the reward vault and change the incentive rate) 0xf9CAFB022FaFa1cdC4C7a89E9bDB8d9213f7516A
Why This Contract Matters:
Berally will exclusively use $BERA as the currency for Passes in-app. As our platform grows, this mechanism will help lock a portion of $BERA out of circulation, contributing to its value stability.
Additionally, we have an ongoing initiative to onboard SocialFi and on-chain traders from Solana, Base, and Hyperliquid onto Berally. Integrating PoL directly into the Pass gauge will help these poor plebs understand why Berachain is fundamentally superior to other ecosystems.
One final note—unlike FriendTech and similar models, Berally charges a significantly lower fee on Pass transactions (5% vs. 10% on FriendTech). Our primary revenue stream will come from Pot (essentially Hyperliquid Vaults but on steroids). If successful, we can drive maximum traction to our integration partners (Kodiak, Oogabooga, Beradrome, Infrared, etc.) and leverage those revenues to bribe for more BGTs.
Potential Volume / TVL:
At least 1M in $BERA TVL.
Synergies with Other Protocols:
Will this contract feed into any yield aggregators, lending markets, or liquid staking derivatives on Berachain?
The contract does not directly feed into or synergize with other protocols. However, the success of our Social Layer could bring a new wave of traders to Berachain, kicking off a chain reaction that accelerates the adoption of other on-chain protocols within the Berachain ecosystem.
Marketing / Promotion:
Are there plans to co-market with another project to bootstrap liquidity? Yes, as we integrate/partners with many other protocols on Berachain.
Long-Term Vision:
How could this reward vault evolve over time? Eventually, we want the vault to become an integral part of our flywheel, making Berally the first Hyperstructure SocialFi platform. Read more:
Please post the following text with the provided X account:
“Submitted Reward Vault Request for [Contract Name] on protocol [Protocol Name] with incentive tokens [incentive token 1], [incentive token 2]”
Insert post link
A successful RFRV hinges on demonstrating:
Security: Low smart contract and token risk.
Demand: Community and liquidity providers want this pair.
Ecosystem Benefit: Increases volume, TVL, or strategic positioning for Berachain.
Make sure to cover these points clearly to maximize your chances of passing the governance vote / RFRV!
Protocol audits links (multiple links)
This pool, inspired by and based on the work of PoLTech (), is a perfect demonstration for app users and other application teams that Berachain's Proof of Liquidity (PoL) extends beyond just DeFi. By incentivizing a SocialFi app, it showcases how PoL can effectively align incentives for app users.
Posting this here for now to wait out the 2 URL restriction for new accounts on